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Winery Special Events

SVW Winery Event Calendar

Throughout the year, Serenity Valley Winery near Columbia, MO hosts and participates in a number of special events to broaden our entertainment offerings.


Design your own event!

wine glass
Your private parties can be held at Serenity Valley Winery after hours Tuesday – Saturday. SVW is a great venue for bridal showers, corporate functions, client appreciation, or Girls'/Guys' Night Out. See our Private Parties page.


Upcoming Winery Events and Appearances


View details of our upcoming events from our Facebook Events page.





Winery Donation
Serenity Valley Winery's booth at the
Working Women's Survival Show
Winery Donation
SVW helped raise funds to buy
cell phone charging kiosks for
Columbia's University Hospital ER,
Women's and Children's ER
and the VA Hospital.
Winery Donation
Serenity Valley Winery's booth at the
Columbia Wedding Stroll